Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Acne and being a Vain Pot

People who have naturally good complexion may never understand the agonies that those of us who are troubled with acne are going through.

My acne outbreaks have lasted since I was a Secondary 3 student. The acne, beside spoiling my otherwise very handsome (yeah, I wish!) face, has also caused my confidence level to plummet (though in truth, I was never very confident to begin with) and left me with an inferior complex.

Back then, I never seek treatment for the acne because the general feeling then was that a guy should be manly and that using anything other than your normal facial wash will invite derision from your fellow manly men and gain you labels such as being a sissy or a gay.

And so even as I stoically endured the disfiguring effect of the acne on my yan dao-ness, my confidence was slowly eroded away, making me into the shy reticent guy that I am today.

However, nearing 24 years of being single had convinced me that I had better rid myself of my inferior complex. And after much analysing, I decided that the main causes of my lack of confidence is my lack of money and me having an abundance of pimples. (if only it could be the other way round, having a lot of money and lacking pimples)

As it is rather hard to get alot money (none of my toto tickets ever strike!), I decided to risk my manliness and seek treatment for my acne.

I have been going for treatments for several months, but there has been little improvements. My skin is still full of acne scars and I am again suffering from pimples outbreak after I stopped my medication.

I was actually about to lose hope when Zan informed me that she has a solution for facial crisis.

And so, while we were chatting on msn, she showed me photos of her now, very smooth face. Like me, Zan was a fellow sufferer of the very malicious acne and to be honest (no offense wor, Zan) her case of acne back then was even worse off then mine.

As she showed off her very nice complexion, only one thought was running through my mind...
Back then, Zan had looked like she was a pimpled teenager even though she was around 21 of age (what with her small built and little girl voice... really no offense wor Zan!). Now, she looks like a smooth-skin primary school kid =.= lolz wtf.

As we chatted on msn for around an hour, enthusiastically discussing the various treatments for acne and how she managed to clear up her complexion, I was left, in spite of my manliness, feeling like some sibeh vain girl (damn wtf lol) talking with her best pal on the latest makeup or something. But anyways, still want to thank you ah, Zan, when did you become a pyshic and know that I am having a facial crisis sia.

Anyways, call me vain or a sissy or in fact, call me anything you want, I have decided to go for the treatment that Zan had went for.

I still have to state though, I am still a very manly man and I am definitely not gay ok!

While I absolutely could not find anything in this entry that might be offending to anyone, I still have to state (to be on the safe side) that anything in this post that might offend anyone should be treated as nonsensical ramblings.

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