This post is of course, to clear the misconception.
I could talk about the time when I helped an old lady cross the road or the time I single-handedly foiled a bank robbery, or even that time when I stopped the assassination of a high ranking minister but I won't.
I never believe in blowing my own trumpet and also, I do not want to write anything that the average Joes who read my blog cannot emphasize with.
So here are some of the more mundane and non-stupid stuff in my life that people can identify with.
Muay Thai
I have always wanted to learn Muay Thai and in fact, it was one of my last year resolution. I have always been a laid back person and I figured that the reason why my life was so boring is that I am lacking aggression.
That is why I plonked down a thousand bucks for my Muay Thai classes and am so damn broke now.
That is also why the grass patches around my HDB are getting bald.
I am glad to say though that Muay Thai seems to be helping in increasing my aggression. Nowadays, I have to control my urge not to punch and kick people.
One thing bad about Muay Thai though, is that the sandbags are really hard...
I love kicking Sandbags because they don't kick back! Or do they...
Really really hard.
So I was really happy when the instructor invited me to try kicking his thighs. It will be a welcome change from kicking unyielding sandbags or so I thought.
I was so wrong though.
Kicking the instructor's thigh was like hitting a concrete wall. The harder I kick, the more pain I felt.
The one time that the instructor nonchalently kick my thigh though had me feeling like I was hit by a baseball bat.
But that is OK, for pain = fun and More Pain = More Fun.
Wake boarding
I am a really bad swimmer and I have absolutely no idea why I am into water sports. I am sure that stupidity has got nothing to do with it though.
It all started when my workplace offered a heavily subsidised wake boarding trip at Marina. I went for it and was convinced that I was a talented wake boarder when I managed to gain my balance on my 3rd or 4th try.

Raw Talent Is A Sight To Behold
High on my success, I stupidly agreed when Azmi invited me for cable ski wake boarding in Batam. Cable Ski wake boarding is very different from Boat wake boarding though and I spent that whole day drinking lake water.
The 3rd wake boarding trip to batam was fun and really rewarding though. I managed to gain my balance finally after some unintentional motivation from Eilleen. Sadly though, she stopped motivating me after I reached the number 2 sign board of the wake boarding circuit.
I had fun watching her hit the water though. Her determination is commendable though. She keeps going back in the line for her chance to charge back into the lake water no matter how many times she falls. I think she likes pain, and I no longer wonder why she likes it when I whack her head :)
Open Water Diving
As I've said, I am a poor swimmer. I do not lack courage though and I've always wanted to try diving.
There are of course, more compelling reasons why I signed up for the open water diving course but I will not be mentioning them here.
I am not suicidal though, so I will be going to practice my swimming at the nice neighborhood pool in a couple of hours time.
There are a lot more examples that show I can do non stupid things but I have to stop here and go to sleep if I do not want to drown at the pool in a few hours time.
Till next time!
P.S. As usual, the entry contains a lot of crap from me and anyone who might take offense from it should treat this post as nonsensical ramblings. I will like to state again though, that I am not stupid and never was.
The 3rd wake boarding trip to batam was fun and really rewarding though. I managed to gain my balance finally after some unintentional motivation from Eilleen. Sadly though, she stopped motivating me after I reached the number 2 sign board of the wake boarding circuit.
I had fun watching her hit the water though. Her determination is commendable though. She keeps going back in the line for her chance to charge back into the lake water no matter how many times she falls. I think she likes pain, and I no longer wonder why she likes it when I whack her head :)
Open Water Diving
As I've said, I am a poor swimmer. I do not lack courage though and I've always wanted to try diving.
There are of course, more compelling reasons why I signed up for the open water diving course but I will not be mentioning them here.
I am not suicidal though, so I will be going to practice my swimming at the nice neighborhood pool in a couple of hours time.
There are a lot more examples that show I can do non stupid things but I have to stop here and go to sleep if I do not want to drown at the pool in a few hours time.
Till next time!
P.S. As usual, the entry contains a lot of crap from me and anyone who might take offense from it should treat this post as nonsensical ramblings. I will like to state again though, that I am not stupid and never was.
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