Despite the fact that swimming to me is what running is to fishes, I managed to complete my PADI Open Water Dive.
I must say though, even at the risk of sounding like I am singing my own praises, that it takes a man with great courage to attempt diving when he cannot even tread water.
And so April 8th found us at the doors of Deep Blue Scuba where we checked our equipments and waited for the bus to fetch us up to Mersing and from there, onwards to Pulau Aur.
Initially, our Open Water Dive is supposed to be on the 26th of March but due to high waves and bad weather conditions, the dive trip was postponed for 3 weeks. As our pool session was more than a month ago, I was abit apprehensive on whether I can still recall the basics of diving.
I do not want to give a blow by blow account of what happened during the dive though because that would have included much too many embarrassing details than I wished to let known.
Therefore, what I will do instead, will be to list down the four important things that I have learned during this expensive trip down to Pulau Aur.
1 - The fishes eat almost anything
Our Diver's Lodge at Pulau Aur is actually built on the overhanging ledges of a cliff. The cookhouse of the lodge is built on those wooden platforms that are supported by stilts over the shallow waters of the sea. As the water in Pulau Aur is really quite clear, we can see the fishes swimming just below the cookhouse eagerly waiting for their food. These fishes are actually the rubbish bins for the leftover food. And so every mealtime, Eilleen will happily play Lady bountiful and empty her half eaten (as usual) plate of food into the sea and gleefully watched as the fishes fought over her leftovers.
The in-charge of the lodge then helpfully informed us that the fishes eat almost all kinds of leftovers except for egg shells. I was left to wonder what would happen if Eilleen dropped into the sea while trying to empty her plate.
2 - Fishes, regardless of how small they are, bite
We were diving from the platform and I was having quite alot of trouble with my bouyancy. I either have too much bouyancy or too little. It did not help that my tank kept slipping off from my Bouyancy Control Device and my instructor had to strap it back on while we are in the water.
Having bad bouyancy control is not a fun thing. You will either find yourself floating to the surface or sinking to the bottom when you are supposed to be hovering above the seabed. I landed on the coral reef and found out that fishes are actually -fiercely- territorial when they swarmed out to take a bite out of me (actually, they were targetting Eilleen more, which goes to show that fishes can tell bad people from good).
Our instructor, however, keeps insisting that the fishes don't bite and that they were just 'bumping' against us. I beg to differ though as judging from the bite marks on Eilleen's arms and legs, those fishes definitely do bite. Actually, the way Eilleen tells it, it would seem that we were attacked by a horde of piranhas instead of a few cute fishes that were barely bigger than the size of our palms.
3 - You can get sea sick from diving
Prior to being actually able to dive, we have to endure 4 hours or so on the bus and this was followed by another 4-5 hours on the ferry before we reach the diver's lodge. But these pales in comparison to being bobbed about on the sea surface as I hugged the safety buoy and waited for my fellow diver to descend and ascend.
The whole world seemed to be spinning when I got up from my 2nd dive and I vomitted once I got back to the room. I did not know that sea-sickness can last for hours as the world keeps spinning well past dinner time. Some people are just not made for diving, and at this point of time, I am thinking that I am one of them.
4 - The Oxygen Tank is really Heavy
The tank becomes really heavy when we were trying to climb back to the platform or the boat after our dives. I had little problem climbing back to the platform though, and I had fun watching Eilleen struggled up the platform. With the tank behind her, she does a really good impression of a sea turtle :)
All in all, I felt really crappy throughout the diving trip as I spent most of the time trying to keep my food in my stomach and the world from spinning. The only time I had fun was when we went out to the sea to dive and saw schools of fishes swimming around us.
Despite all that, I am still amiable to going diving again, if my finances allows for it :(
Nonsensical Ramblings
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I Do Not Do Stupid Things
Someone seems to have the mistaken impression that I am only capable of doing stupid things.
This post is of course, to clear the misconception.
I could talk about the time when I helped an old lady cross the road or the time I single-handedly foiled a bank robbery, or even that time when I stopped the assassination of a high ranking minister but I won't.
I never believe in blowing my own trumpet and also, I do not want to write anything that the average Joes who read my blog cannot emphasize with.
So here are some of the more mundane and non-stupid stuff in my life that people can identify with.
Muay Thai
I have always wanted to learn Muay Thai and in fact, it was one of my last year resolution. I have always been a laid back person and I figured that the reason why my life was so boring is that I am lacking aggression.
That is why I plonked down a thousand bucks for my Muay Thai classes and am so damn broke now.
That is also why the grass patches around my HDB are getting bald.
I am glad to say though that Muay Thai seems to be helping in increasing my aggression. Nowadays, I have to control my urge not to punch and kick people.
One thing bad about Muay Thai though, is that the sandbags are really hard...
Really really hard.
So I was really happy when the instructor invited me to try kicking his thighs. It will be a welcome change from kicking unyielding sandbags or so I thought.
I was so wrong though.
Kicking the instructor's thigh was like hitting a concrete wall. The harder I kick, the more pain I felt.
The one time that the instructor nonchalently kick my thigh though had me feeling like I was hit by a baseball bat.
But that is OK, for pain = fun and More Pain = More Fun.
Wake boarding
I am a really bad swimmer and I have absolutely no idea why I am into water sports. I am sure that stupidity has got nothing to do with it though.
It all started when my workplace offered a heavily subsidised wake boarding trip at Marina. I went for it and was convinced that I was a talented wake boarder when I managed to gain my balance on my 3rd or 4th try.

This post is of course, to clear the misconception.
I could talk about the time when I helped an old lady cross the road or the time I single-handedly foiled a bank robbery, or even that time when I stopped the assassination of a high ranking minister but I won't.
I never believe in blowing my own trumpet and also, I do not want to write anything that the average Joes who read my blog cannot emphasize with.
So here are some of the more mundane and non-stupid stuff in my life that people can identify with.
Muay Thai
I have always wanted to learn Muay Thai and in fact, it was one of my last year resolution. I have always been a laid back person and I figured that the reason why my life was so boring is that I am lacking aggression.
That is why I plonked down a thousand bucks for my Muay Thai classes and am so damn broke now.
That is also why the grass patches around my HDB are getting bald.
I am glad to say though that Muay Thai seems to be helping in increasing my aggression. Nowadays, I have to control my urge not to punch and kick people.
One thing bad about Muay Thai though, is that the sandbags are really hard...
I love kicking Sandbags because they don't kick back! Or do they...
Really really hard.
So I was really happy when the instructor invited me to try kicking his thighs. It will be a welcome change from kicking unyielding sandbags or so I thought.
I was so wrong though.
Kicking the instructor's thigh was like hitting a concrete wall. The harder I kick, the more pain I felt.
The one time that the instructor nonchalently kick my thigh though had me feeling like I was hit by a baseball bat.
But that is OK, for pain = fun and More Pain = More Fun.
Wake boarding
I am a really bad swimmer and I have absolutely no idea why I am into water sports. I am sure that stupidity has got nothing to do with it though.
It all started when my workplace offered a heavily subsidised wake boarding trip at Marina. I went for it and was convinced that I was a talented wake boarder when I managed to gain my balance on my 3rd or 4th try.

Raw Talent Is A Sight To Behold
High on my success, I stupidly agreed when Azmi invited me for cable ski wake boarding in Batam. Cable Ski wake boarding is very different from Boat wake boarding though and I spent that whole day drinking lake water.
The 3rd wake boarding trip to batam was fun and really rewarding though. I managed to gain my balance finally after some unintentional motivation from Eilleen. Sadly though, she stopped motivating me after I reached the number 2 sign board of the wake boarding circuit.
I had fun watching her hit the water though. Her determination is commendable though. She keeps going back in the line for her chance to charge back into the lake water no matter how many times she falls. I think she likes pain, and I no longer wonder why she likes it when I whack her head :)
Open Water Diving
As I've said, I am a poor swimmer. I do not lack courage though and I've always wanted to try diving.
There are of course, more compelling reasons why I signed up for the open water diving course but I will not be mentioning them here.
I am not suicidal though, so I will be going to practice my swimming at the nice neighborhood pool in a couple of hours time.
There are a lot more examples that show I can do non stupid things but I have to stop here and go to sleep if I do not want to drown at the pool in a few hours time.
Till next time!
P.S. As usual, the entry contains a lot of crap from me and anyone who might take offense from it should treat this post as nonsensical ramblings. I will like to state again though, that I am not stupid and never was.
The 3rd wake boarding trip to batam was fun and really rewarding though. I managed to gain my balance finally after some unintentional motivation from Eilleen. Sadly though, she stopped motivating me after I reached the number 2 sign board of the wake boarding circuit.
I had fun watching her hit the water though. Her determination is commendable though. She keeps going back in the line for her chance to charge back into the lake water no matter how many times she falls. I think she likes pain, and I no longer wonder why she likes it when I whack her head :)
Open Water Diving
As I've said, I am a poor swimmer. I do not lack courage though and I've always wanted to try diving.
There are of course, more compelling reasons why I signed up for the open water diving course but I will not be mentioning them here.
I am not suicidal though, so I will be going to practice my swimming at the nice neighborhood pool in a couple of hours time.
There are a lot more examples that show I can do non stupid things but I have to stop here and go to sleep if I do not want to drown at the pool in a few hours time.
Till next time!
P.S. As usual, the entry contains a lot of crap from me and anyone who might take offense from it should treat this post as nonsensical ramblings. I will like to state again though, that I am not stupid and never was.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Basics Of Wriggling - Lesson One (Original)
A week or two ago, a friend of mine had trouble getting out from under her blanket for work.
Being the kind generous friend I was, I took the trouble of putting together the manual (during working hours somemore) for the long lost art of wriggling and imparted it to her.
However, although she looks like a brooding intellectual type, it seems that her understanding of this basic but powerful technique is really limited.
So here is the manual again, in the hopes that one day she might be enlightened enough to master this useful art.

Practice this diligently, and you will never find yourself unable to get out under the blanket again :)
Being the kind generous friend I was, I took the trouble of putting together the manual (during working hours somemore) for the long lost art of wriggling and imparted it to her.
However, although she looks like a brooding intellectual type, it seems that her understanding of this basic but powerful technique is really limited.
So here is the manual again, in the hopes that one day she might be enlightened enough to master this useful art.
This is you laying in the bed, early in the morning, under the blanket. However, in order for you to properly see the technique, the blanket will not be drawn.

Step 1 - Shift
This is the first step in the technique of basic wriggling. It is a simple step to master. Basically, you just have to lift your butt slightly off the bed and shift it to the right. If performed correctly, only your butt will move while the rest of your body remain in stasis.

Step 2 - Movement
Next, you just have to shift your butt back to the left. This time however, your butt should be in contact with the bed. The friction between your cute butt and the bed will act as the force to move your body to the right. The point to take note here is that the direction of your butt movement will propel your body in the OPPOSITE direction.

Step 3 - Repeat
The last step of this technique just requires you to keep repeating step 1 and 2 until you get off your bed.

Practice this diligently, and you will never find yourself unable to get out under the blanket again :)
In this illustration, you will end up on the right side of the bed. The fall from your bed to the floor might be abit painful though.
The technique is by no means limited to usage on the bed. Feel free to use it to get to the toilet if you want to.
Take note the left and right side of this illustration might be abit confusing.
That is why I have included it in the illustration to make it easier for you.
P/S If you prefer to get get out from the right side of the bed, just reverse the direction of the movement.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Year Is Ending
Time really flies and I guess you can tell from my lack of posting, that my resolutions are not really progressing that well.
But that is not to say that I have not made efforts into fulfilling those resolutions.
I've made a weight gain of perhaps 1-2kg, which hopefully are all muscles and not fat.
I've attended a muay thai free trial and I am quite determined to start the lessons before November ends and this is in spite of the hefty $250 lesson fees.
I've forgotten what little I have learnt on playing the guitar. I seriously suspect that I have no talent for musical instruments and I guess that kinda ended my far-fetch dreams of joining a band.
My spoken english was no better despite great efforts spent emoting to english mtvs which led me to suspect that this is not a really good way to improve my english.
The nearest of which I have gone to the swimming pool is to the food stall at CCK stadium. I still cannot swim to save my life.
Truth to tell though, I am coming to the realization that I could not possibly complete all the resolutions that I've set due to time, money and willpower constraints, therefore, I will just keep an open mind on learning new things and just keep learning whatever I can.
I read somewhere that life would have been more smooth sailing if one is less self conscious and I realize that many times, I care too much about how others see me to truly enjoy what I am doing. Its like when you are singing in the KTV and you refrain from screaming out when singing (even though you really feel like doing so) because you are afraid to look stupid when you go out of tune or some shit like that.
I think it will be stupid to live my life not daring to do something that I might enjoy just becuase it might make me look uncool.
So, in an attempt to make myself less self conscious, I am putting myself into situations in which I will look stupid. This is why I have signed up for a Jazz introduction dance class even though I am born with two left foot.
My last resolution for the year. To be able to laugh at myself when others are laughing at me :)
I will have to give up my dark, cool and brooding image to do that though, hahahaha.
P.S. As usual, the entry contains a lot of crap from me and anyone who might take offense from it should treat this post as nonsensical ramblings.
But that is not to say that I have not made efforts into fulfilling those resolutions.
I've made a weight gain of perhaps 1-2kg, which hopefully are all muscles and not fat.
I've attended a muay thai free trial and I am quite determined to start the lessons before November ends and this is in spite of the hefty $250 lesson fees.
I've forgotten what little I have learnt on playing the guitar. I seriously suspect that I have no talent for musical instruments and I guess that kinda ended my far-fetch dreams of joining a band.
My spoken english was no better despite great efforts spent emoting to english mtvs which led me to suspect that this is not a really good way to improve my english.
The nearest of which I have gone to the swimming pool is to the food stall at CCK stadium. I still cannot swim to save my life.
Truth to tell though, I am coming to the realization that I could not possibly complete all the resolutions that I've set due to time, money and willpower constraints, therefore, I will just keep an open mind on learning new things and just keep learning whatever I can.
I read somewhere that life would have been more smooth sailing if one is less self conscious and I realize that many times, I care too much about how others see me to truly enjoy what I am doing. Its like when you are singing in the KTV and you refrain from screaming out when singing (even though you really feel like doing so) because you are afraid to look stupid when you go out of tune or some shit like that.
I think it will be stupid to live my life not daring to do something that I might enjoy just becuase it might make me look uncool.
So, in an attempt to make myself less self conscious, I am putting myself into situations in which I will look stupid. This is why I have signed up for a Jazz introduction dance class even though I am born with two left foot.
My last resolution for the year. To be able to laugh at myself when others are laughing at me :)
I will have to give up my dark, cool and brooding image to do that though, hahahaha.
P.S. As usual, the entry contains a lot of crap from me and anyone who might take offense from it should treat this post as nonsensical ramblings.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
New Year Resolutions
I know I've said it before, but it is really getting harder and harder to blog, for nothing interesting is happening in my life and from what I noticed, most of my friends are not blogging much anymore, maybe because people our age are mostly too busy to blog (yeah right).
So, in a bid to save my poor dying blog I've decided to put down my resolutions for the year.
I know its a little late for new year resolutions and I am a little disadvantaged here, considering that it is now March and I have only 3/4 of the year to follow up with my resolutions.
But anyways here's my resolutions for the year:
1) Gain at least 3kg weight (Muscles, not Fat)
2) Learn Muay Thai
3) Learn the Guitar
4) Improve my spoken English
5) Improve on my swimming so that I can at least swim 1 lap =.=
6) Go for Diving lessons -if- I can manage to improve on my swimming
7) Blog at least once per week about my resolutions so that I am at least abit motivated to carry them out. This is call having a PLAN... I think....
Now I will have to make sure that there are at least some friends reading my near dead blog just so they can nag at me when I am too lazy to carry out any of the resolutions.
Besides boring you people with my 'lofty' aspirations for the year, I would also like to recommend Junjie's blog to everyone who is still reading my boring blog.
Junjie was one of my fellow sergeant while I was serving my NS. My impression of him is someone who always try to stick to his values in life and a person who always try to give his best in whatever he is doing. He is also very friendly and hardworking but his most notable trait is his honesty which is evident in this very truthful post about me, hahaha.
But seriously, unlike me, Junjie is someone who fills his time with interesting hobbies such as hiking, photography, fishing, wushu (i think) and most recently latin dancing.
What I really admire about Junjie though, is his can-do spirit. Once he decided to do something, he will just go ahead and do it, which again is very unlike me who can spend like forever procrastinating.
P.S. I think Junjie's blog might be in hibernation, seems like he have not updated his blog for a month now.
I bought her a present for her birthday and gave it to her nonchalently.
I also got her a charm, which I hope will be of some help... despite the fact that I am an atheist who isn't supposed to believe superstitious shit like that.
But anyways, I've been doing some thinking lately.
Maybe liking someone does'nt necessary mean that you have to be together.
Maybe liking someone is just wanting the best for her.
Maybe I am just a wimp.
Most probably though, the best thing for her isn't me and so that's why I will be keeping my distance.
Enough of this emo shit already.
Go watch some Peter Chao and chao outside mutherfukers.
P.S. I think I am slowly getting my nonsense back. So anything that might be insulting/offensive to anyone should be treated, as always, the nonsensical ramblings of the author.
So, in a bid to save my poor dying blog I've decided to put down my resolutions for the year.
I know its a little late for new year resolutions and I am a little disadvantaged here, considering that it is now March and I have only 3/4 of the year to follow up with my resolutions.
But anyways here's my resolutions for the year:
1) Gain at least 3kg weight (Muscles, not Fat)
2) Learn Muay Thai
3) Learn the Guitar
4) Improve my spoken English
5) Improve on my swimming so that I can at least swim 1 lap =.=
6) Go for Diving lessons -if- I can manage to improve on my swimming
7) Blog at least once per week about my resolutions so that I am at least abit motivated to carry them out. This is call having a PLAN... I think....
Now I will have to make sure that there are at least some friends reading my near dead blog just so they can nag at me when I am too lazy to carry out any of the resolutions.
Besides boring you people with my 'lofty' aspirations for the year, I would also like to recommend Junjie's blog to everyone who is still reading my boring blog.
Junjie was one of my fellow sergeant while I was serving my NS. My impression of him is someone who always try to stick to his values in life and a person who always try to give his best in whatever he is doing. He is also very friendly and hardworking but his most notable trait is his honesty which is evident in this very truthful post about me, hahaha.
But seriously, unlike me, Junjie is someone who fills his time with interesting hobbies such as hiking, photography, fishing, wushu (i think) and most recently latin dancing.
What I really admire about Junjie though, is his can-do spirit. Once he decided to do something, he will just go ahead and do it, which again is very unlike me who can spend like forever procrastinating.
P.S. I think Junjie's blog might be in hibernation, seems like he have not updated his blog for a month now.
I bought her a present for her birthday and gave it to her nonchalently.
I also got her a charm, which I hope will be of some help... despite the fact that I am an atheist who isn't supposed to believe superstitious shit like that.
But anyways, I've been doing some thinking lately.
Maybe liking someone does'nt necessary mean that you have to be together.
Maybe liking someone is just wanting the best for her.
Maybe I am just a wimp.
Most probably though, the best thing for her isn't me and so that's why I will be keeping my distance.
Enough of this emo shit already.
Go watch some Peter Chao and chao outside mutherfukers.
P.S. I think I am slowly getting my nonsense back. So anything that might be insulting/offensive to anyone should be treated, as always, the nonsensical ramblings of the author.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
As Long As She Is Happy
I ordered Macdonalds again today... Its wierd to be anti-social and yet feel lonely.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Alone without Transport
I got off work and found myself alone at the staff quarters.
I was shitting when Ben sent me an sms asking whether I want to go for a run. Seriously, Ben is under quite abit of bad influence from his girlfriend... he is slowly turning into a health freak.
Having nothing better to do, I agreed to the run (actually, I tried to say no... but peer pressure is hard to withstand)
I should have known better though. I felt extremely shitty after the run. What's worse is that I have no transport now and the place that I am staying in is so far away from civilisation that it might as well be at the peak of the Himalayans, I would probably starve to death if I have to walk to the bus stop and then take the bus to changi village or downtown east and back.
Not exactly an enticing option considering that my legs were still aching from the run and so to save myself from such a fate, I decided to call for MacDelivery.
I finally realized how ulu my place is when the Macdonald operator told me that I needed to wait 1hr and 15 minutes for the delivery to reach me.
I was shitting when Ben sent me an sms asking whether I want to go for a run. Seriously, Ben is under quite abit of bad influence from his girlfriend... he is slowly turning into a health freak.
Having nothing better to do, I agreed to the run (actually, I tried to say no... but peer pressure is hard to withstand)
I should have known better though. I felt extremely shitty after the run. What's worse is that I have no transport now and the place that I am staying in is so far away from civilisation that it might as well be at the peak of the Himalayans, I would probably starve to death if I have to walk to the bus stop and then take the bus to changi village or downtown east and back.
Not exactly an enticing option considering that my legs were still aching from the run and so to save myself from such a fate, I decided to call for MacDelivery.
I finally realized how ulu my place is when the Macdonald operator told me that I needed to wait 1hr and 15 minutes for the delivery to reach me.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Dad Tried to Crush A Lorry With His Toyota Altis
Sad to say, the lorry won and now the bonnet of my dad's car resembles nothing so much as a crumpled piece of paper.
Luckily though, no one was hurt in the accident and I am actually quite amazed that my dad is still able to drive his car back home, a testmonial to the marvel of the Japanese engineering.
Dad's car is now in the repair shop and it will be at least one week before the repairs are done.
And as my quarters is a 10 minutes walk from the workplace, I loaned my car to my dad to drive for this week. I have to say though, after driving for around 4 months now, I feel wierdly crippled without my car.
Let's just hope I can survive one week without my car.
I can easily buy a present for a girl whom I don't like... but why do I think so much on whether or not to buy a present for a girl whom I like?
Luckily though, no one was hurt in the accident and I am actually quite amazed that my dad is still able to drive his car back home, a testmonial to the marvel of the Japanese engineering.
Dad's car is now in the repair shop and it will be at least one week before the repairs are done.
And as my quarters is a 10 minutes walk from the workplace, I loaned my car to my dad to drive for this week. I have to say though, after driving for around 4 months now, I feel wierdly crippled without my car.
Let's just hope I can survive one week without my car.
I can easily buy a present for a girl whom I don't like... but why do I think so much on whether or not to buy a present for a girl whom I like?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I Should Just Switch To Twiitering
I went back to the staff quarters and found my fan in Senthil's bedroom.
I bought a table from Ikea for my laptop but didn't realise that I have no screw driver to fix it up and so I am blogging on the floor and my neck hurts.
And damn... I ran out of things to write.
I bought a table from Ikea for my laptop but didn't realise that I have no screw driver to fix it up and so I am blogging on the floor and my neck hurts.
And damn... I ran out of things to write.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Singapore Flyer
One month ago, I was ecastatic about getting the free tickets for the Singapore Flyer from the workplace.
There is only one free ticket (which allows free entry for 4 pax) per day and considering that there are around 2000 staff in my workplace, the ticket is pretty damn hard to get.
I was bored after the initial 10 minutes inside the Flyer.
There were really nothing much to see, the casino resort is still under the construction and the Formula One tracks are real boring as there isn't a F1 race going on.
If I have paid for the tickets I would have been damn sad for the experience is definitely not worth the almost $30 entry fees.
The crab that we had for dinner at the restaurant below the Singapore Flyer was quite nice though despite the exorbitant price and the high amount of MSG they must have added (I was real thirsty while we were on the Flyer)
P.S. If any of my colleagues happen to read this, don't, I repeat -Don't- get the Singapore Flyer ticket. Any of the free tickets (yes, even the Science Centre ticket) would have been more fun.
Before I left the house for the Singapore Flyer, I was talking to Ajipu about her msn comment that Guys like to give out girls' numbers to other guys but somehow or other the conversation lead to the movie Phobia 2.
She send me a link to the trailer of the movie and damn, the trailer was scary enough that I don't think I would be watching it.
The worse part was the story about the haunted 2nd hand car.
I am driving a 2nd hand car and I am now unable to drive alone after dark.
I think Ajipu is really really evil...
To the guy who gave Ajipu's number to another guy, God Bless you... Think you need it. God Bless the other guy too...
P.S. As usual, the entry contains a lot of crap from me and anyone who might take offense from it should treat this post as nonsensical ramblings. Also, I am now unable to post about anything funny for I seemed to have misplaced my sense of humor. Please bear with me while I try to find it back.
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