Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mahjung and Weijie's Theorem

Recently, Alan, a fellow member of our Single Desperate But Definitely Not Ugly Brotherhood had turned traitor and gotten himself hitched.

Granted, Alan has always been the more active among us when it comes to chasing girls and I have to say that I have always admire his ability to pick himself up after a rejection -but- the more important thing to note here is that Alan is still one of the more enthusiastic Mahjung Khakis around.

Now, Weijie has got this theory, based on some old Chinese sayings that goes something like this, 情场得意赌场失意 (What this means is that people who are lucky in love will be unlucky while gambling and vice versa) and so we decided to celebrate Alan's betrayal loss of singlehood by testing out this theory on him.

The Experiment : Debunking (or hopefully not) The Myth that People Who Are Happily In Love Will Lose Big In Mahjung

The Lucky In Love Test Subject : Alan the Traitor

The Not Lucky In Love Participants : Me, Weijie and Zhongda

Test Methodology : Several rounds of Mahjung games spread over a few weeks.

Method of Interpretation:

100% accurate if the test subject is the only one losing.

66% accurate if the test subject and one other participant are losing.

33% accurate if the test subject and two other participants are losing.

0% accurate if the test subject does not or loses very little.

33% inaccurate if the test subject and one other participant wins.

66% inaccurate if the test subject and two other participants wins.

100% inaccurate if the test subject is the only one winning.

After 5 Saturday nights of Mahjung sessions of which I was a reluctant participant, these are the results (Rendition of the events might not be accurate due to my lousy memory):

1st Mahjung Session : The three of us takes great delight in relieving Alan off his money. We are optimistic that the theory is accurate and rejoice in our single-hood.

2nd Mahjung Session: Me and Weijie won. Suspected that Zhongda might have secretly betrayed the Brotherhood and gotten hitched also but having no concrete proof, we have to admit that there is a need for a re-test.

3rd Mahjung Session: Me and Alan won. Either the theory is really inaccurate or that Zhongda has followed Alan's example and turned traitor. We are leaning more towards believing the latter, there were evidences that a girl code named BZ was somehow involved.

4th Mahjung Session: I am the only one winning. Damn... is everyone turning traitor?

5th Mahjung Session: Me and Weijie won again. I am getting scared of my winning streak. Does this mean that my love luck is in the doldrums? If my gambling luck holds, I should really spend all my Mahjung winning on the New Year's Toto and try to get that $10 million.

Number of Win/Session :

Me : 5/5
Weijie : 3/5
Zhongda : 1/5
Alan : 1/5

Conclusion :

Based on the fact that I know for a certainty that I am single and have exactly no love life and also on the assumption that Zhongda has not betrayed the Single Desperate But Definitely Not Ugly Brotherhood, the accuracy of the theory should be as such

(100% + 66% - 33% + 33% + 66%) / 5 = 232/5 = 46.4%

a figure which is neither here nor there... more Mahjung sessions would have to be held to get a more conclusive results. Either that or we need to find more evidence to prove the highly probable fact that Zhongda had also turned traitor.

P.S. As usual, the entry contains a lot of crap from me and anyone who might take offense from it should treat this post as nonsensical ramblings.


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